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Orsoline America del Nord
Hospitality amid COVID-19
Tildonk, Gumla Province, India

The coronavirus pandemic challenges us to give up our comfort zone and live a sacrificial life.

Fotografia Tildonk quarantine centre
Fotografia Tildonk quarantine centre


In our convent in Samtoli (Gumla Province), we saw on TV how people were suffering and so many were dying. The plight of countless migrants returning home was heart-breaking. We were stirred with compassion to go and do something for them. But what and how?
With the leadership of Sr. Anupa Xalxo, we decided to give our Primary School building for a quarantine centre for women. An application was given to the District Administration Authorities. On 12 May, 2020, the feast day of our founder Fr. John Lambertz, our application was accepted. The place was inspected and verified.
Next day 40 women arrived in our centre. The whole management was under the Government. The whole community was involved, and 12 Sisters volunteered to help the centre directly.
It was an experience of being trusted by the Government Officials. We were encouraged and supported by our Provincial Sr. Maria S. Kujur and her Team.
Our presence brought comfort and happiness to the women. We could see the ray of hope in their eyes as we listened to their painful stories. They were tired, hungry, frightened and in need of confidence and assurance.
When the positive cases were removed from our centre, we were scared of being infected. But we have experienced the constant protecting presence of God. This was a time to share the suffering of people. We suffered with them. The Sisters in the community prayed for us constantly.
We are grateful to our dear Sr. Maria S. Kujur, for giving us the opportunity to do this risky and challenging work. We are thankful to our local civil authorities for the opportunity and cooperation.
Sr. Bernadette Kujur, OSU

| 5 settembre 2020 | English