13 gennaio 2025 - 03:34     Stampa    Italiano English Francais
Centre for International Studies St. Angela Merici Holy people Bibliography Ursulines worldwide nel mondo Sources Merician Sources Company of St Ursula Sources Companies and Institutes Iconography Companies and institutes Iconography Merician Ursuline pedagogy Periodical Spirituality Ursuline education Mission Ursuline Institute St Mary of the Angels - Brescia Ursulines of Siracusa Company of St Ursula Secular Institute of St Angela Merici - Federation Ursulines of North America Company of St Ursula - Daughters of St Angela - Brescia Ursuline Sacred Heart of Jesus - Asola Company of St Ursula - Daughters of St Angela - Verona Italian Merician Conference Ursulines of Mary Immaculate Virgin - Gandino Ursulines of the Congregation of Tildonk Ursuline Sisters of Mary Immaculate - Verona Ursuline Sisters of St Jerome - Somasca Ursuline Sisters of St Charles - Milan Ursulines of the German Federation Ursulines of the Sacred Heart of Mary - Vicenza Ursulines of the Roman Union Blog Contact us News Pilgrims In the footsteps of Saint Angela The sanctuary Saint Angela's home Reports and insights

Hospitality amid COVID-19

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Response of the Indian Ursulines of Tildonk to COVID-19

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link video

Ursulines of Youngstown Install New Leadership

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link View the installation ceremony

The Ursuline Lace School

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Sowers of Prophetic Hope

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