Ursulines of the German Federation
Federation of the German-speaking Ursulines
Histoty of the Federation of the German-speaking Ursulines
In 1639 the first Ursulines arrived in the German language countries. They came from Bordeaux via Liège to Cologne. From here sisters went in 1681 to Düren and Vienna – the community is now belonging to the Ursulines of the Roman Union. Further foundation followed soon.
Another branch began in 1667 from Paris via Mâcon in Erfurt.
In France the Ursulines had in 1612 respectively 1618 accepted the monastery lifestyle. Therefore each of the following foundations was an autonomous monastery. The sisters lived according to the Rule of St. Augustine. The strict enclosure did not hinder them to start very soon with teaching the girls of the city. A little later they also established a boarding school for daughters of the upper classes.
A number of new communities developed in the 19th century, when the girls’ education became highly important.
Political repressions such as the Secularization in the southern part of Germany and in Austria in the beginning of the 19th century and the “Kulturkampf” in Prussia from 1875 brought difficulties to the convents, but could not extinguish them.
Since 1900 some Superior mothers of Ursuline monasteries in the Prussian Part of Germany met regularly in order to discuss all concerning problems. In 1908 they formed an association. Its purpose was to help each other in spiritual as well as in personal needs, without giving up the autonomy of each convent. Nearly all German Ursuline convents joined the association during the following years.
After the Vaticanum II they established the “Federation of German-Speaking Ursulines”, officially confirmed in 1971 and joined also by convents in Austria, Italy and Chile. The “Weisungen für das gemeinsame Leben im Orden der Ursulinen“ were affirmed in 1987.
At present 256 sisters in 32 convents, branch houses and small spiritual groups are belonging to the Federation. Several meetings, working groups, pilgrimages and other activities strengthened the sense of community. A strong bond was built especially by searching the roots considering life and spirituality of Angela Merici.
Each sister and either the communities find their identity in going in the footsteps of St. Angela and the first Ursulines. Besides the traditional school work there opened new fields of work mostly in pastoral areas. But whatever sisters do and where they live their first interest is to give convincing evidence for the Gospel by their way of life. And they always want to be open for trying new ways of Merician life.
Sr. Angela Becker osu
Hansastrasse 8
57439 A t t e n d o r n
Tel.: 02722-63 57-1011
Fax: 02722-63 57-2355
e-mail: kontakt(at)franziskaner-hof.de
Sr. Carola Kahler osu
Sieboldstrasse 4 a
33611 B i e l e f e l d
Tel.: 0521-81 039
Fax: 0251-87 52 273
E-Mail: ursulinen.bielefeld(at)t-online.de
Sr. Margareth Senfter osu
Tschurtschenthaler Park 1
I-39031 B r u n e c k
Tel.: 0039-0474-554443
Fax: 0039-0474-551833
E-Mail: sr.margareth(at)ursulinen.it
Sr. Teresa Büscher osu
Ursulastrasse 12
46282 D o r s t en
Tel.: 02362-9127-0 /-15
Fax: 02362-45321
E-Mail: teresa.buescher(at)gmx.de
Internet: http://www.ursulinen-dorsten.de
Sr. Irmgardis Klein osu
Weierstrasse 23 - 25
52349 D ü r e n
Tel.: 02421-40 39 93
Fax: 02421-17548 (Schule)
E-Mail: irmgardis-urs-dn(at)t-online.de
Sr. Ursula Klautky osu
Köln / Kaarst / Roermond
Schönsteinstraße 33
50825 K ö l n
Tel.: 0221-20650-2209
Fax: 0221-31063140
E-Mail: verwaltung(at)ursulinen-duesseldorf.de
Sr. Ingeborg Wirz osu
Postfach 1211
37115 D u d e r s t a d t
Neutorstrasse 9
37105 Duderstadt
Tel.: 05527-9145-0 /-21
Fax: 05527-9145-23
E-Mail: konvent(at)ursulinen-duderstadt.de
Sr. Angela Tiller osu
Anger 5
99084 E r f u r t
Tel.. 0361-56 55 02-0 /-12
Fax: 0361-56 55 02-19
Konvent der Ursulinen Fritzlar
Neustädter Strasse 39
34560 F r i t z l a r
Tel.: 05622-99 89 7-0 /-11
Konvent der Ursulinen Geilenkirchen
Josefshausstraße 8
56428 D e r n b a ch
Tel.: 02602-67 16 18
Sr. Clara Lumb osu (Verwaltung)
Rüdesheimer Strasse 30
65366 G e i s e n h e i m
Tel.: 06722-96 07 30
Fax: 06722-96 07 31
E-Mail: s.clara(at)st-ursula-schule.de
Sr. Andrea Eberhart osu
Leonhardstrasse 62
A - 8010 G r a z
Tel.: 0043-316-32 33 00 /-70
Fax: 0043-316-32 33 00-33
E-Mail: oberin(at)ursulinen.at
Homepage: http://www.ursulinen.at
Sr. Magdalene Lohe osu
Paulusweg 43
49740 H a s e l ü n n e
Tel.: 05961-5080
Fax: 05961-508-412
E -Mail: sr.magdalene(at)t-online.de
Sr. Lioba Michler osu
Bierbaumstraße 3
53332 B o r n h e i m
Tel.: 02222-9647-18
Fax: 02222-9647-49
E -Mail: lioba(at)ursulinen-hersel.de
Sr. Angela Starker osu
Gerichtstrasse 19
61462 K ö n i g s t e i n / Ts
Tel.: 06174-2562613
E-Mail: ursulinen-hofheim(at)ursulinenkloster-koenigstein.de
Sr. Hildegard Wolf osu
Reinmichlgasse 2
A - 6020 I n n s b r u c k
Tel.: 0043-512-22416-18
Fax: 0043-512-22416-15
E-Mail: ursulinen(at)tsn.at
Homepage: http://www.ursulinen.tsn.at
Sr. Mechtild Mai osu
Am Alten Ufer 57
50668 K ö l n
Tel./Fax: 0221-91 39 432
E-Mail: nc-ursuliur(at)netcologne.de
Sr. Maria Regina Habekost osu
Gerichtstrasse 19
61462 K ö n i g s t e i n / Ts
Tel.: 06174-9381-0 /- 20
Fax: 06174-9381-55
E-Mail: S.M.Regina(at)ursulinenkloster-koenigstein.de
Homepage: http://www.ursulinenkloster-koenigstein.de
Sr. Andrea Wohlfarter osu
Neustadt 536
84028 L a n d s h u t
Tel.: 0871-92584-0 / - 13
Fax: 0871-92584-24
E-Mail: sr.andrea(at)ursulinenkloster-landshut.de
Homepage: http://www.ursulinenkloster-landshut.de
Sr. Cäcilia Fernholz osu
Sr. Cornelia Müller-Freund osu
Sr. Brigitte Werr osu
Bonifatiusweg 2
37327 Leinefelde
Tel.: 03605-534021
Fax: 03605-534022
E-Mail: gemeinschaft(at)ursulinen-eichsfeld.de
Sr. Petra Glowik osu
A 4/5 Ursulinenkonvent
68159 M a n n h e i m
Tel.: 0621-23200
Fax: 0621-4397813
E-Mail: convent(at)ursulinen-mannheim.de
Homepage: http://www.ursulinen-mannheim.de
Sr. Theresia Grajewski osu
Prinz-von-Homburg-Strasse. 2
16845 N e u s t a d t / D o s s e
Tel.: 033970-13269
Fax: 033970-13435
E-Mail: srth-neustadt(at)t-online.de
St.-Ursula-Weg 5
94557 Niederalteich
Tel.: 09901-7116
Fax: 09901- 94641
E-Mail: ursulinen.niederalteich(at)gmx.de
Homepage: http://www.ursulinen-niederalteich.de
Sr. Magdalena Wrzodekv
Ahornstrasse 33
63071 O f f e n b a c h
Tel.: 069-985426-0
Fax: 069-985426-16
E-Mail: smagdalena.of(at)gmx.de
Sr. Uta Brockschmidt
Bramstrasse 41
49090 O s n a b r ü c k
Tel.: 0541-5 05 83-0
Fax: 0541-5 05 83-150
E-Mail: ursulinen(at)st-angela-os.de
Sr. Angela Gandner osu
Esquina Blanca 575
Casilla 69
M a i p ú / S a n t i a g o 16 - Chile
Tel: 0056-2-5310734
Fax: 0056-2-5310069
E-Mail: monasterio.osu(at)gmail.com
Sr. Ursula Wagner osu
Burggasse 40
94315 S t r a u b i n g
Tel.: 09421-9923-0
Fax: 09421-9923-99
E-Mail: kloster(at)ursulinen-straubing.de
Homepage: http://www.ursulinen-straubing.de
Sr. Hildegard Löher osu
Neuerstrasse 11
59457 W e r l
Tel.: 02922ó87 21-0 /-23
Fax: 02922-86 14 42
E-Mail: ursulinen-werl(at)t-online.de
Sr. Veronika Klauke osu
Auf dem Silberberg 3-4
51688 W i p p e r f ü r t h
Tel.: 02267-88189-0
Fax: 02267-88189-12
E-Mail: sragneswipperfuerth(at)web.de
Sr. Katharina Merz osu
Augustinerstraße 17
97070 W ü r z b u r g
Tel.: 0931-35512-0 /-20
Fax: 0931-35512-23
E-Mail: ursulakonv(at)aol.com
Homepage: www.ursulinen-kloster-wuerzburg.de
Sr. Barbara Wien osu
Brühl 1
31134 H i l d e s h e i m
Tel.: 05121-38681
Fax: 05121-917415
E-Mail: ursulinen-hildesheim(at)t-online.de
Sr. Beate Fritze osu
Wilhelm-Raabe-Strasse 5
41564 K a a r s t
Tel.: 02131-95711-0
Fax: 02131-95711-15
E-Mail: ursulinen(at)ursulinen-kaarst.de
Sr. Ursula Tapia Guerrero osu
Av. A. Vespucio Norte 970 # 62
Las Condes / Santiago
676 1899 / Chile
Tel.: 0056-2-2289995
E-Mail: ursulatg(at)gmx.de
Sr. Adriana Campos
Rua Guaciara 92
85045 - 340 Guarapuava (PR)
E-Mail: irmaadrianacampos(at)yahoo.com.br